The Diels-Alder reactions of alkylhalovinylboranes have been investigated theoretically and experimentally. Alkylhalovinylboranes presented higher reactivity than the corresponding dialkylvinylboranes. Although endo/exo selectivities were high for the reactions with cyclopentadiene, facial selectivities for the chiral analogues were low. Our results demonstrate that the replacement of an alkyl group on the boron atom by a halogen increases the dienophilicity considerably.Scheme 1 Synthesis and Diels-Alder reaction of chiral dialkylvinylborane 1. † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental section, NMR spectra, computational methods, FMOs and global and local reactivity indices of reactants, optimized geometries of the transition structures (TSs) not included in the paper and charge transfer (GEDT) of TSs, cartesian coordinates, absolute energies including zero-point energy corrections, free energies and number of imaginary frequencies of all the stationary points reported in the paper and values of imaginary frequencies of all transition structures. See