A prevalent cause of foot drop is peripheral nerve injury (P I). The current treatment options for foot drop after P I include surgery for nerve repair, physical therapy (PT) for strengthening and bracing for support. The purpose of this case study is to describe the outcomes of treating a patient with foot drop caused by P I with functional electrical stimulation (FES). The patient discussed has foot drop due to a sacral nerve root lesion resulting from a pelvic fracture. After 1 year of PT intervention including gait progression, neuromuscular re-education, balance training and therapeutic exercise the patient was unable to progress from a single-tip cane due to continued local weakness of the anterior tibialis. A trial of FES using the Bioness L300 was initiated as a trial treatment to progress the patient from ambulation with a single tip cane to ambulation without an assistive device. Outcomes included improved 6 minute walk test distance, decreased falls risk on Dynamic Gait Index and decreased reported fear of falling on the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale, and ability to walk and run on uneven terrain with the L300.