were defined as improvement in NYHA or CCS class by at least 2 classes, perioperative pain, patient satisfaction or preference, and quality of life (QOL). B. Perioperative and Long-term Complications Myocardial infarction (as defined by the study authors), stroke or neurologic event, need for repeat intervention (CABG or PCI), surgical reexploration, transfusions, renal failure, or a composite of all perioperative complications. Changes in results of imaging studies such as perfusion imaging wall motion studies, ejection fraction, exercise treadmill stress testing (ETT), and hemodynamic assessment will also be considered. C. Resource Utilization Duration of procedure, ICU length of stay, total hospital length of stay, emergency department visits, doctor visits, rehospitalizations, and costs. METHODS This meta-analysis of randomized trials was performed in accordance with state of the art methodologic recommendations 6,7 and according to a protocol that prespecified outcomes, search strategies, inclusion criteria, and statistical analyses.