Velopharyngeal dysfunction is a major morbidity associated with a cleft palate diagnosis. Management of the levator veli palatini with intravelar veloplasty (IVV) has been shown to improve speech resonance. The senior author (ASW) has introduced a more aggressive procedure where the levator is separately dissected, overlapped and tightened. This study compares speech resonance results from 4 separate levator management protocols: Non-IVV, Kriens-IVV, Radical-IVV, and Overlapping-IVV.
Retrospective chart review was conducted on 252 patients who underwent primary palatoplasty with speech follow-up at 3 years of age. Postoperative velopharyngeal function was evaluated with perceptual speech examinations, and subjects were scored on a 4-point scale (0 = normal resonance; 1 = occasional hypernasality/nasal emission/turbulence/grimacing – no further assessment warranted; 2 = mild hypernasality/intermittent nasal turbulence/grimacing – velopharyngeal imaging suggested; 3 = severe hypernasality – surgical intervention recommended). Fisher's exact test was used to compare outcomes.
A single surgeon performed all the Non-IVV (n=92), Kriens-IVV (n=103) and Radical-IVV (n=31) procedures while the senior author performed the Overlapping-IVV technique (n=26). Cleft severity proportions were equivalent across the four methods (p = 0.28). Patients who underwent Overlapping-IVV demonstrated significantly better velopharyngeal function and none required further velopharyngeal imaging or secondary surgery when compared to the other three procedures (p < 0.001 for all comparisons).
Speech resonance outcomes at 3 years of age are improved and the need for secondary VPD management is reduced with more aggressive levator dissection and reconstruction during primary one-stage palatoplasty. Results were best when the muscle was overlapped.
Level of Evidence
III – Retrospective cohort/comparative study.