The generation III+ VVER-1200 (AES-2006) reactor is equipped with improved safety features with component redundancy compared to the previous models. This paper is concerned with the performance of active and passive safety features during the transient of a major beyond design basis accident (BDBA) scenario of the reactor. The study is done considering large break loss of coolant accident (LB LOCA) with loss of offsite power (LOOP) and LB LOCA with loss of all AC power (LOACP) sources namely station blackout (SBO) using VVER-1200 NPP simulator. It was found that the reactor is capable of mitigating such BDBA scenarios by the effectiveness of the active and passive safety systems. Moreover, LB LOCA with LOACP is observed to be more severe compared to LBLOCA with LOOP. This comparative analysis is compatible with IAEA safety guidelines.