Introduction: Film clips are the most used stimuli to induce diff erent emotional states. Objective: Identify, select, and evaluate a set of fi lm clips according to dimensionality and discreteness of emotions. Film experts suggested 437 fragments, but only 70 met the criteria to be included in the LATEMO-E fi lm-clip database. Study 1: The 70 fi lm clips were tested for their ability to induce disgust, anger, fear, sadness, amusement, tenderness, and neutral (n = 147 participants; mean age = 20.64 years, SD ±2.21 years). Results: A total of 28 fi lm clips presented adequate scores on intensity and discreteness. Study 2: A total of 28 selected fi lm clips were assessed again in a new sample of 106 participants (mean age = 20.96 years, SD ±2.45 years). Results: Anger and amusement fi lm clips were the most extreme in the valence and activation dimensions. Anger and fear fi lm clips were the most extreme categories in the intensity, certainty, and control dimensions. Conclusions: These stimuli were useful for inducing emotional states that can be judged from both the dimensional perspective of emotions and the basic emotions perspective. Evoked emotions could be diff erentiated according to cognitive patterns of evaluation that guide behavior in response to emotional stimulation.