The two prmcipal theoretical formulations which have been advanced to account for mterpersonal attraction each place primary emphasis on vanables operatmg dunng the mteraction Cognitive consistency theorists stress the importance of the balance or symmetry of the positive and negative attitudes and onentadons of any two incividuals with respect to each other and to the objects about which they communicate (eg, Heider, 1958. Newcomb, 1959, 1961 In a quite different theoretical context, reinforcement theonsts stress the reward-punishment consequents of each element of the mteracdon (eg, Byrne, 1966, in press, Pepitone, 1964.How, then, is it possible to account for attraction responses made pnor to interaction? That is, what basis is there for the foimation of a first impression, often mvolvmg strongly positive or strongly antipathetic attitudes, toward a stranger m the absence of mteraction with him or even information about him'* First, there are mdividual differences m characteristic social responsiveness to strangers as evidenced by personahty vanables such as authontananism (Jones, 1954), dogmatism (Rokeach, i960), and need for afiBhation (Byme, 1962). Second, probably the most important determmants consist of the stranger's overt stimulus characteristics and the subject's expectancies concemmg