present study experimentally and numerically investigates the
evaporation and resultant patterns of dried deposits of aqueous colloidal
sessile droplets when the droplets are initially elevated to a high
temperature before being placed on a substrate held at ambient temperature.
The system is then released for natural evaporation without applying
any external perturbation. Infrared thermography and optical profilometry
are used as essential tools for interfacial temperature measurements
and quantification of coffee-ring dimensions, respectively. Initially,
a significant temperature gradient exists along the liquid–gas
interface as soon as the droplet is deposited on the substrate, which
triggers a Marangoni stress-induced recirculation flow directed from
the top of the droplet toward the contact line along the liquid–gas
interface. Thus, the flow is in the reverse direction to that seen
in the conventional substrate heating case. Interestingly, this temperature
gradient decays rapidly within the first 10% of the total evaporation
time and the droplet–substrate system reaches thermal equilibrium
with ambient thereafter. Despite the fast decay of the temperature
gradient, the coffee-ring dimensions significantly diminish, leading
to an inner deposit. A reduction of 50–70% in the coffee-ring
dimensions is recorded by elevating the initial droplet temperature
from 25 to 75 °C for suspended particle concentration varying
between 0.05 and 1.0% v/v. This suppression of the coffee-ring effect
is attributed to the fact that the initial Marangoni stress-induced
recirculation flow continues until the last stage of evaporation,
even after the interfacial temperature gradient vanishes. This is
essentially a consequence of liquid inertia. Finally, a finite-element-based
two-dimensional modeling in axisymmetric geometry is found to capture
the measurements with reasonable fidelity and the hypothesis considered
in the present study corroborates well with a first approximation
qualitative scaling analysis. Overall, together with a new experimental
condition, the present investigation discloses a distinct nature of
Marangoni stress-induced flow in a drying droplet and its role in
influencing the associated colloidal deposits, which was not explored
previously. The insights gained from this study are useful to advance
technical applications such as spray cooling, inkjet printing, bioassays,