“…This property makes neutron-rich nuclei an ideal spallation target for conceiving high-intensity neutron sources. Systems such as 197 Au (800A MeV) +p [4,5], 208 Pb (500A MeV) +p [6,7], 208 Pb (1A GeV) +p [8,9], 208 Pb (1A GeV) + d [10], 238 U (1A GeV) +p [11][12][13][14][15], and 238 U (1A GeV) + d [16,17] were measured to study sequential evaporation and its intricate competition with fission. The measurement of 56 Fe+p at various energies [18,19] focused the attention on systems below the BusinaroGallone point [20,21] in the fissility region where the saddle point becomes unstable toward asymmetric splits, and revived the discussion on the intermediate-mass-fragment formation in spallation.…”