We present Hall effect measurements on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite that indicate the occurrence of the integer quantum-Hall-effect. The evidence is given by the observation of regular plateau-like structures in the field dependence of the transverse conductivity obtained in van der Pauw configuration. Measurements with the Corbino-disk configuration support this result and indicate that the quasi-linear and non-saturating longitudinal magnetoresistance in graphite is governed by the Hall effect in agreement with a recent theoretical model for disordered semiconductors. Recent experimental [1,2,3,4,5,6] and theoretical [7,8,9] work demonstrates the occurrence of correlated phenomena in the electron system of graphite, indicating that the classical view of the physics of its magnetotransport properties is not adequate. Besides, the quantum Hall effect (QHE) [1] as well as evidence for Dirac fermions (massless particles due to the linear dispersion relation) [5] have been reported for bulk samples of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite of high quality. Recently published results obtained on bulk graphite [10,11], a few layers thick graphite [12], and in graphene (single graphite layer) [13,14] have confirmed both observations and showed that in graphene the QHE is anomalous in that the contribution of the Dirac fermions makes the plateaus to occur at half-integer filling factors. Certainly, the understanding of the electronic properties of graphite is necessary for the development of advanced technology of the graphite-related nanomaterials.