“…Many of these studies have focused on visual ERP components such as the C1, P1 (indexing early visual processing; modulated by response gain and plasticity-related changes), N1, N2pc (indexing attentive selection of specific features, modulated by divisive normalization and inter-area interactions) and the late positive potential (LPP; broad motivational engagement with emotionally engaging stimuli, reflective of widespread interaction between perceptual, motivational, and motor signals). For recent detailed summaries of this work, the reader is referred to these extensive reviews (Gupta et al, 2019;MacNamara et al, 2013;Torrence and Troup, 2018). Across studies, the available evidence may be taken to suggest that for initial ERP components, a broad threat -non-threat discrimination seems to take place, affecting the C1, P1, and the N170 amplitudes in the case of face stimuli, whose sources seem to be in the occipital cortex including the extrastriate and occipital fusiform cortices (Carlson and Reinke, 2010;Eimer and Holmes, 2007;Holmes et al, 2008;Krusemark and Li, 2011;Miskovic and Keil, 2012;Pizzagalli et al, 1999;Pourtois et al, 2005Pourtois et al, , 2004Wieser and Brosch, 2012).…”