P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) binding to P-selectin mediates leukocyte rolling under conditions of flow. In human neutrophils, a type of leukocyte belonging to the innate immune system, PSGL-1 molecules are located on the neutrophil’s surface ruffles, called microvilli. Each newly formed P-selectin—PSGL-1 bond can become load bearing, imposing on its microvillus a pulling force that deforms the microvillus. Depending on the magnitude of the bond force, a microvillus can be extended, or a thin membrane cylinder (a tether) can be formed at the tip of the microvillus. Here we propose a Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic material as an improved model for microvillus extension. Using a modified version of our Event-Tracking Model of Adhesion (ETMA), we demonstrate how P-selectin—PSGL-1 load-bearing bonds shape microvillus deformation during neutrophil rolling at low shear (wall shear rate of 50 s−1, P-selectin site density of 150 molecules μm−2). We also discuss the impact of microvillus deformability on neutrophil rolling. We find that the average microvillus extension constitutes 65% of the total microvillus-tether complex extension, and that the rolling neutrophil may never fully rest. A quantitative comparison with the corresponding non-deformable microvilli case supports a concept that the ability of the microvillus to deform stabilizes cell rolling.