The finite-time consensus problem for leader-following systems was evaluated under external disturbances and internal nonlinear dynamics. A model with nonlinear dynamics and external disturbances was proposed to make the systems more realistic. The event-triggered pinning control strategy was used in second-order multiagent systems to address the problem of the agents' continuous communication. A new event-triggered control function was designed, and a finite-time controller was constructed using an integral sliding-mode algorithm. The systems can be proven to achieve consensus in the expected convergence time, which can be obtained using finite-time and Lyapunov stability theories.Moreover, the Zeno behavior can be proven to avoid event-triggered controllers. Finally, a numerical example was presented to illustrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the theoretical analysis.
K E Y W O R D Sevent-triggered pinning control strategy, external disturbances, finite-time consensus, integral sliding mode algorithm, internal nonlinear dynamics
INTRODUCTIONArtificial intelligence has recently become a popular subject, and multi-agents are a subset of artificial intelligence that has developed a variety of control methods to address various problems in reality such as tracking and formation control, 1 mechanical and chaotic systems, 2,3 stochastic switching, 4 and sampled date and cooperative control. 5 The distributed control algorithm 6 is a popular control method for achieving a consensus in systems. Specifically, an agent only needs to transmit information to its neighboring agents. 7,8 This approach has the advantage of reducing the cost of control and the communication capacity.Researchers have studied several multi-agent models in multi-agent consensus-control research. First-order multiagents have been widely evaluated and used to address consensus problems because they allow us to quickly observe the effects of control. However, there has been a delay in the control effects. Many studies in the field of consensus for second-order multiagents have been published. Cheng evaluated the consensus of second-order multiagents. Each agent can be controlled by its position and speed within the system. Different types of agent models are evaluated according to the diverse functions of the required multiagent. 9 Shu and Liu investigated the consensus of leader-following in a 8558