Neuromorphic vision is a bio-inspired technology 1 that has triggered a paradigm shift in the computer vision 2 community and is serving as a key enabler for a wide range of 3 applications. This technology has offered significant advantages, 4 including reduced power consumption, reduced processing needs, 5 and communication speedups. However, neuromorphic cameras 6 suffer from significant amounts of measurement noise. This 7 noise deteriorates the performance of neuromorphic event-based 8 perception and navigation algorithms. In this article, we propose 9 a novel noise filtration algorithm to eliminate events that do 10 not represent real log-intensity variations in the observed scene. 11 We employ a graph neural network (GNN)-driven transformer 12 algorithm, called GNN-Transformer, to classify every active event 13 pixel in the raw stream into real log-intensity variation or 14 noise. Within the GNN, a message-passing framework, referred 15 to as EventConv, is carried out to reflect the spatiotemporal 16 correlation among the events while preserving their asynchronous 17 nature. We also introduce the known-object ground-truth label-18 ing (KoGTL) approach for generating approximate ground-truth 19 labels of event streams under various illumination conditions. 20 KoGTL is used to generate labeled datasets, from experiments 21 recorded in challenging lighting conditions, including moon light. 22 These datasets are used to train and extensively test our proposed 23 algorithm. When tested on unseen datasets, the proposed algo-24 rithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods by at least 8.8% in 25 terms of filtration accuracy. Additional tests are also conducted 26 on publicly available datasets (ETH Zürich Color-DAVIS346 27 datasets) to demonstrate the generalization capabilities of the 28 proposed algorithm in the presence of illumination variations 29 and different motion dynamics. Compared to state-of-the-art 30 solutions, qualitative results verified the superior capability of 31 the proposed algorithm to eliminate noise while preserving 32 meaningful events in the scene.