It is well-known (see Semadeni, Queen Pap. Pure Appl. Math., 33:1-98, 1973 and Pumplün and Röhrl, Commun. Algebra, 12(8):953-1019, 1984, 1985 that the embedding of vector spaces into the category of absolutely convex modules is reflective. As we will show, under a separatedness condition on these modules it is at the same time coreflective. This is a peculiar situation, see Kannan, Math. Ann., 195:168-174, (1972) and Husek, Reflexive and coreflexive subcategories of unif and top, Seminar Uniform Spaces, Prague, 113-126, (1973), but we do find it also in the embedding Top → Ap (Lowen, Approach Spaces: The Missing Link in the Topology-Uniformity-Metric Triad. Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Oxford University Press, London, UK, 1997) and, by extension, in the embedding lcTopVec → lcApVec (see Lowen and Verwulgen, Houst. We demonstrate that, in this setting, by duality arguments, absolutely convex modules are indeed the numerical counterpart of vector spaces. All these, at first sight unrelated facts, are comprised in the commutative scheme below with natural dualisation functors and their left adjoints. lcApVec op G G