We show that any binary (n = 2 m − 3, 2 n−m , 3) code C1 is a part of an equitable partition (perfect coloring) {C1, C2, C3, C4} of the n-cube with the parameters ((0, 1, n − 1, 0)(1, 0, n − 1, 0)(1, 1, n − 4, 2)(0, 0, n − 1, 1)). Now the possibility to lengthen the code C1 to a 1-perfect code of length n+2 is equivalent to the possibility to split the part C4 into two distance-3 codes or, equivalently, to the biparticity of the graph of distances 1 and 2 of C4. In any case, C1 is uniquely embeddable in a twofold 1-perfect code of length n + 2 with some structural restrictions, where by a twofold 1-perfect code we mean that any vertex of the space is within radius 1 from exactly two codewords.The hypercube H n = (V (H n ), E(H n )) of dimension n is the graph whose vertices are the all binary n-words, two words being adjacent if and only if they differ in exactly one position.d(·, ·) -the Hamming distance, i.e., the natural graph distance in H n . 0 = 0 . . . 0 (the all-zero word),1 = 1 . . . 1 (the all-one word).A binary code C of length n and code (or minimal) distance d, or (n, |C|, d) code, is a subset of V (H n ) such that d(x,ȳ) ≥ d for any differentx andȳ from C.A partition {C 1 , . . . , C r } of V (H n ) into r nonempty parts is said to be equitable with parameters (S ij ) n i,j=1 if for every i, j ∈ {1, . . . , r} every vertexx from C i has exactly S ij neighbors from C j (the corresponding r-valued function on V (H n ) is known as a perfect coloring).A binary code C ⊂ V (H n ) is said to be 1-perfect if every vertexx ∈ V (H n ) is at the distance 0 or 1 from exactly one codeword. Equivalently, {C, V (H n ) \ C} is an equitable partition with parameters ((0, n)(1, n − 1)). Equivalently, C is a (2 m − 1, 2 2 m −m−1 , 3) code, n = 2 m − 1.We will say that a multiset B ⊂ V (H n ) is a twofold 1-perfect code if every vertexx ∈ V (H n ) is at the distance 0 or 1 from exactly two codewords of B. We will say that a multiset B ⊂ V (H n ) is splittable if it can be represented as the (multiset) union of two distance-3 codes; otherwise B is unsplittable. The existence of unsplittable twofold 1-perfect codes was proved in [6].We say that a code C ′ if obtained by shortening from a code C ⊂ V (H n ) if C ′ = {x ∈ V (H n−1 ) |x0 ∈ C}. Respectively, C ′′ is doubly-shortened from C if 1