Let X be a Hausdorff topological space, Q(X,R) be the space of all
quasicontinuous functions on X with values in R and ?UC be the topology of
uniform convergence on compacta. If X is hemicompact, then (Q(X,R), ?UC) is
metrizable and thus many cardinal invariants, including weight, density and
cellularity coincide on (Q(X,R), ?UC). We find further conditions on X under
which these cardinal invariants coincide on (Q(X,R), ?UC) as well as
characterizations of some cardinal invariants of (Q(X,R), ?UC). It is known
that the weight of continuous functions (C(R,R), ?UC) is ?0. We will show
that the weight of (Q(R,R), ?UC) is 2c.