The Lie algebras un (n ≥ 2) of triangular polynomial derivations, their injective limit u∞ and the completion u∞ are studied in detail. The ideals of un are classified, all of them are characteristic ideals. Using the classification of ideals, an explicit criterion is given for the Lie factor algebras of un and um to be isomorphic. For (Lie) algebras (and their modules) two new dimensions are introduced: the central dimension c.dim and the uniserial dimension u.dim. It is shown that c.dim(un) = u.dim(un) = ω n−1 + ω n−2 + · · · + ω + 1 for all n ≥ 2 where ω is the first infinite ordinal. Similar results are proved for the Lie algebras u∞ and u∞. In particular, u.dim(u∞) = ω ω and c.dim(u∞) = 0.Key Words: Lie algebra, triangular polynomial derivations, automorphism, isomorphism problem, the derived and upper central series, locally nilpotent derivation, locally nilpotent and locally finite dimensional Lie algebra.Mathematics subject classification 2010: 17B66, 17B40, 17B65, 17B30, 17B35.