We first present an introduction to the theory of hard exclusive processes. We then illustrate this theory by a few selected examples. The last part is devoted to the most recent developments in the asymptotical energy limit.
Hard Processes in QCDQuantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of strong interaction, one of the four elementary interactions of the universe. It is a relativistic quantum field theory of Yang-Mills type, with the SU (3) gauge group. The quark and gluon elementary fields are confined inside hadrons. Nevertheless, they can be expressed as superpositions of Fock states:-mesons (π, η, f 0 , ρ, ω . . .): |qq + |qqg + |qqqq + · · · -baryons ( p, n, N , . . .): |qqq + |qqqg + |qqqqq + · · · In contrast with electrodynamics, strong interaction increases with distance, or equivalently decreases when energy increases. This phenomenon, called asymptotical freedom, means that the coupling satisfies α s (Q) 1 for Q QC D 200 MeV. The natural question which then arises is how to describe and understand the internal structure of hadrons, starting from their elementary constituents, despite the confinement. In the non-perturbative domain, the two available tools are: -Chiral perturbation theory: systematic expansion based on the fact that u and d quarks have a very small mass, the π mass being an expansion parameter outside the chiral limit (in which these mass would be set to zero). -Discretization of QCD on a 4-d lattice, leading to numerical simulations.Other analytical tools have been proposed recently, among which is the AdS/QCD correspondence, a phenomenological extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence.Besides these tools, one may wonder whether it is possible to extract informations reducing the process to interactions involving a small number of partons (quarks, gluons), despite confinement. This is possible if the considered process is driven by short distance phenomena, with typical distances between the interacting partons much less than 1 fm, i.e. for α s 1. This is the underlying principle of perturbative methods.