mRNA maturation in Trypanosoma brucei depends upon trans splicing, and variations in trans-splicing efficiency could be an important step in controlling the levels of individual mRNAs. RNA splicing requires specific sequence elements, including conserved 5 splice sites, branch points, pyrimidine-rich regions [poly(Y) tracts], 3 splice sites (3SS), and sometimes enhancer elements. To analyze sequence requirements for efficient trans splicing in the poly(Y) tract and around the 3SS, we constructed a luciferase--galactosidase doublereporter system. By testing ϳ90 sequences, we demonstrated that the optimum poly(Y) tract length is ϳ25 nucleotides. Interspersing a purely uridine-containing poly(Y) tract with cytidine resulted in increased transsplicing efficiency, whereas purines led to a large decrease. The position of the poly(Y) tract relative to the 3SS is important, and an AC dinucleotide at positions ؊3 and ؊4 can lead to a 20-fold decrease in trans splicing. However, efficient trans splicing can be restored by inserting a second AG dinucleotide downstream, which does not function as a splice site but may aid in recruitment of the splicing machinery. These findings should assist in the development of improved algorithms for computationally identifying a 3SS and help to discriminate noncoding open reading frames from true genes in current efforts to annotate the T. brucei genome.In eukaryotes, a central step in generating mature mRNA from pre-mRNA is the removal of introns and the joining of the two flanking exons, a process known as cis splicing (14, 33). For successful splicing, the intron has to be correctly identified. Several sequence elements are implicated in defining the two splice sites. The 5Ј end of the intron is generally defined by a GT dinucleotide, whereas the 3Ј end is marked by AG. Additional characteristics of the 3Ј splice site (3ЈSS) are a branch point sequence followed by a pyrimidine-rich [poly(Y)] tract. Enhancer regions, which may contribute to the assembly of the spliceosome or the identification of the correct 3ЈSS, have also been described (33). Splicing involves two trans esterification steps. During the first trans esterification, the conserved branch point adenosine forms a 2Ј-to-5Ј phosphodiester bond with the 5Ј end of the intron (13, 34). This step depends on U2 snRNP binding to the branch point sequence, which in turn requires the help of the heterodimeric auxiliary factor U2AF, consisting of 65-kDa and 35-kDa subunits. The U2AF65 subunit has been shown to bind to the poly(Y) tract, whereas U2AF35 associates with the 3ЈSS AG dinucleotide (20,46,47). During the second trans esterification, the free hydroxyl of the upstream exon attacks the phosphate of the 3ЈSS to join the exons and release the lariat-shaped intron (25).The mechanism for selecting the appropriate 3ЈSS AG dinucleotide from other cryptic AG sites for the second trans esterification reaction has not entirely been solved. Two models have been proposed. According to the scanning model, identification of the correct 3...