The principal axes of the recently discovered anisotropic phases of 2D electron systems at high Landau level occupancy are consistently oriented relative to the crystal axes of the host semiconductor. The nature of the native rotational symmetry breaking field responsible for this preferential orientation remains unknown. Here we report on experiments designed to investigate the origin and magnitude of this symmetry breaking field. Our results suggest that neither micron-scale surface roughness features nor the precise symmetry of the quantum well potential confining the 2D system are important factors. By combining tilted field transport measurements with detailed self-consistent calculations we estimate that the native anisotropy energy, whatever its origin, is typically ∼ 1 mK per electron.A fundamental goal of contemporary condensed matter physics is to understand the ground state of the twodimensional electron system (2DES) and to explore its experimental signatures. In the presence of a large perpendicular magnetic field B, the kinetic energy of 2D electrons becomes quantized into discrete massively degenerate Landau levels (LLs). At high B only the lowest (N = 0) LL is occupied, and the 2DES exhibits its most spectacular phenomenon: the fractional quantized Hall effect (FQHE) [1]. At lower magnetic fields the higher LLs become occupied, and in the third or higher (N ≥ 2) LL no FQHE states have been observed. Recent experiments have nevertheless uncovered extraordinary transport signatures unique to the high LL regime, pointing to the existence of a new class of many-body states distinct from the incompressible quantum fluids responsible for the FQHE [2,3]. The most striking of these signatures is the rapid development, at very low temperatures, of strong anisotropies in the longitudinal resistance of the 2D electron system.Observed only in very high mobility samples and at temperatures below about 100 mK, the anisotropies in the longitudinal resistance are strongest near half-filling of the N = 2 and several higher Landau levels. This corresponds to Landau level filling fractions ν, defined as the ratio of the electron density N s to the degeneracy eB/h of a single spin-resolved LL, of ν = 9/2, 11/2, 13/2, etc. For 2D electron systems in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures grown on [001]-oriented GaAs substrates, the anisotropies are consistently disposed so that the "hard" transport direction is parallel to the [110] crystallographic direction while the "easy" direction is parallel to [110]. Although a persuasive picture of how anisotropic electronic ground states develop at high Landau level occupancy now exists, there is still no understanding of why they are consistently oriented relative to the host crystal axes. The origin and magnitude of the necessary native symmetry breaking field is the focus of this paper.The resistance anisotropy near half-filling of high LLs has been widely interpreted as evidence for chargedensity-wave (CDW) ground states. Hartree-Fock (HF) calculations [4,5] have suggested that 2D...