BRAGG AND DIFFUSE SCATTERING INTENSITIESto believe that Bragg intensities fitted with a split-atom model necessarily correspond to a static distribution of atoms about fractionally occupied sites. In the present model, for example, the atoms are continuously hopping across the potential barrier for T> Tc and even below Tc some hopping occurs until the temperature is low enough for the ordering to be complete. Nevertheless, a split-atom model would give a reasonable fit to the corresponding Bragg scattering [see Mair (1983b), where a split-atom model is used to fit probability densities for a onedimensional analogue of the present data].A CSIRO Cyber 205 grant is gratefully acknowledged.References COWLEY, J. M. (1975
AbstractThe X-ray intensities of almost-forbidden reflections 301 and 303 in a single crystal of magnesium have been measured at 293 K. Effective monochromatization by appropriate electronics was utilized to increase the observability of these weak reflections. The data are interpreted in terms of atomic vibrations by application of a quantum-statistical one-particle formalism that allows anharm0nic contributions to the atomic temperature factor. A value of -0.43 (3)eV~ -3 is obtained for the third-order anharmonic parameter, the negative sign being deduced from the coordination. This outcome is in accordance with earlier results concerning anharmonic vibrations.