The first examples of dissociating excited state carbon acids were reported by our group. A necessary structural feature is the 5H-dibenzocycloheptene ring system where the incipient carbanion is formally an antiaromatic system in So. In this work, structure-reactivity studies of the excited singlet state carbon acid dissociation and competing formal di-a-methane rearrangement of several 5H-dibenzo[a,c]cycloheptene derivatives have been camed out in order to gain more insights into the photochemistry displayed by these compounds. Photolysis of 7-deuterio-5H-dibenzo[n,c]cycloheptene (9) in aqueous solution showed that the photogenerated carbanion is allylically delocalized. Derivative 7 was found to be less reactive than 3 with respect to carbon acid dissociation whereas 8 was unreactive. Ethanolamine (in CH3CN) was found to be an effective base in catalyzing carbon acid dissociation for 3.7, and 9, as indicated by higher yields of deuterium incorporation and rates of fluorescence quenching. Binaphthyl derivatives 10 and 11 displayed contrasting photobehaviour. Photolysis of binaphthyl 11 resulted in only efficient (a, = 0.47) formal di-a-methane rearrangement under all conditions and no evidence was found for carbon acid dissociation, even in the presence of ethanolamine as base. On the other hand, the formal di-a-methane reaction was very inefficient for binaphthyl10 ( a , < 0.001). Due to the conformational rigidity inherent in 10, the methylene protons at the 3-position are NMR resolvable as pseudo-axial and pseudo-equatorial protons. Photolysis in the presence of ethanolamine (in D20-CH,CN) resulted in stereoselective deprotonation of the pseudo-axial proton (a,, .= 0.02), as indicated by deuterium exchange studies. The results show that excited state carbon acid dissociation is an observable general reaction of dibenzo and dinaphtho cycloheptenes only if more favourable photochemical pathways are not competing.Key words: excited state carbon acid, di-a-methane rearrangement, carbanion, stereoelectronic effect, fluorescence quenching.Resume : Notre groupe de travail a dCji publiC une Ctude sur les premiers exemples de dissociation acide du carbone dans l'ttat singulet. Le systkme cyclique 5H-dibenzocycloheptkne est une caracteristique structurale nCcessaire dans laquelle le carbanion naissant est formellement un systkme anti-aromatique de type So. Dans ce travail nous avons rCalisC des Ctudes de structurerCactivitC sur la dissociation acide du carbone dans 1'Ctat singulet excite et le rearrangement di-a-methane formel compCtitif de plusieurs dCrivCs des 5H-dibenzo[fl,c]cycloheptknes. Cette Ctude devrait nous permettre d'acquirir de nouvelles connaissances sur la photochimie de ces composCs. La photolyse du deutCro-5H-dibenzo[a,c]cycloheptkne (9) en solution aqueuse montre que le carbanion gCnCrC photochimiquement est dClocalisC en position allylique. On a trouvC que le composC 7 est moins rCactif que le composC 3 en ce qui a trait i la dissociation acide du carbone tandis que le composC 8 ne montre...