Strong electronic interactions can drive a system into a state with a symmetry breaking. Lattice frustration or competing interactions tend to prevent a symmetry breaking, leading to quantum disordered phases. In spin systems frustration can produce a spin liquid state. Frustration of a charge degree of freedom also can result in various exotic states, however, experimental data on these effects is scarce. In this work we demonstrate how a charge ordered ferroelectric looses the order on cooling to low temperatures using an example of a Mott insulator on a weakly anisotropic triangular lattice κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2 Hg(SCN) 2 Cl. Typically, a low temperature ordered state is a ground state of a system, and the demonstrated re-entrant behavior is unique. Raman scattering spectroscopy finds that this material enters an insulating ferroelectric "dipole solid" state at T = 30 K, but below T = 15 K the order melts, while preserving the insulating energy gap. The resulting phase diagram is relevant to other quantum paraelectric materials.Frustration of a charge degree of freedom can result in charge glass [1,2] or a quantum paraelectric state, where electric dipoles fluctuate down to the lowest temperatures [3][4][5]. Such quantum dipole liquid was observed experimentally in a band insulator on a triangular lattice [4] and in a Mott insulator [6]. In a band insulator fluctuations of polarization are predicted to lead to a multiferroic effect [7]. In a Mott insulator charge-spin coupling is predicted to result in a spin liquid state [5,8]. An experimental realization of a system where electrical dipoles form on lattice sites of a Mott insulator at this point is limited to molecular-based systems [3,5,6]. However, exotic multiferroicity [7,9] which can result from an interplay of a quantum paraelectric and a spin liquid states is of interest to a broad community working on materials with strong electron-electron interactions. Also, notable is an analogy of a charge degree of freedom on the orbital of molecular dimer (BEDT-TTF) 2 to the orbital degree of freedom and orbital liquid in atomic crystals, and as a way to produce novel spin liquid states [8].Organic Mott insulators where electronic ferroelectricity and quantum dipole liquid are observed are layered charge-transfer crystals based on BEDT-TTF [10] molecule. Layers responsible for the interesting physical properties of these materials are formed by dimers (BEDT-TTF) +1 2 . They alternate with layers which serve as charge reservoirs and define the exact structural parameters of the BEDT-TTF layers. A compound discussed in this work κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2 Hg(SCN) 2 Cl (k-Hg-Cl) shows a structure where (BEDT-TTF) +1 2 sites form a slightly anisotropic triangular lattice within the layer. In this compound electronic ferroelectricity is observed in a charge ordered state below 30 K [11,12]. In this work we experimentally detect a gradual melting of this charge order as the material is cooled down below 15 K.Typically, if a system undergoes a phase transition into a broken symmetry sta...