(Short version)As the only low-latitude connection between ocean basins, the Indonesian Throughflow allows the direct transmission of heat and salinity between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Mg/Ca and 6180 of calcite of Globigerinoides ruber (G. ruber) were used to estimate the sea surface temperature (SST) and 6180 of water, an indicator of hydrologic conditions, over the past 20,000 years. I also attempted to estimate thermocline structure using Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, but the Mg/Ca and 6180 of calcite data yield conflicting interpretations, indicating further work on this proxy is required. The G. ruber Mg/Ca results suggest that the SST of the outflow passages were influenced by high latitude Southern Hemisphere temperature. At approximately 10,000 years before present, there was a warming in the Makassar Strait. This local warming was coincident with the flooding of the Sunda Shelf, which opened a connection between the South China Sea and the Indonesian Throughflow.
AbstractAs the only low-latitude connection between ocean basins, the Indonesian Throughflow allows the direct transmission of heat and salinity between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Despite its potential importance, the role of the Indonesian Throughflow in global ocean circulation and regional climate is still not clear due to sparse measurements and the relative difficulty of modeling the region. The Mg/Ca and 6180 of calcite of the calcitic planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (G.ruber) were used to estimate the sea surface temperature and 6180 of water, an indicator of hydrologic conditions, over the past 20,000 years. I also attempted to estimate thermocline structure using the foraminifera, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata,
AcknowledgementsWhile there is certainly a sense of relief to be finishing my thesis, it is also bittersweet. It will be extremely difficult for me to leave behind my good friends and colleagues.I could not ask for a better advisor (and friend and mentor) than Delia Oppo. Her commitment to her students, family, and science is an inspiration. She is extremely patient, and was always willing to let me do things my way, though I would have likely finished my degree two years early had I just listened to her in the first place. I did listen to her regarding family, when she told me, "By the time you want children, it will be too late." My son and I are particularly grateful for this piece of advice.I owe a big thank you to my committee members. Bill Curry, Jake Gebbie, and Kerry Emanuel guided my research and helped me create a stronger thesis.I could not have finished without the help of Olivier Marchal. Olivier's eagerness to answer any question I had (and perhaps some I had not yet realized I had) was always appreciated. His willingness to read my thesis and chair my defense on 24 hours notice is a testament to his generosity.We are lucky to have excellent collaborators. Mahyar Mohtadi (University of Bremen) and Brad Linsley (LDEO) have provided excellent feedback on many drafts of this thesis....