Pure gold clusters (Au n ϩ ) were produced up to the cluster size of n ϭ 100 by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI). The mass spectrum of the resulting clusters showed alteration in the ion intensity at odd-even clusters size. On the other hand, intensity drops at cluster size predicted by the jellium model theory was also observed. Positively and negatively charged bimetallic silver-gold clusters were produced under MALDI conditions from the mixture of HAuCl 4 /silver trifluoroacetate and the 2-(4-hydroxyphenylazo)benzoic acid (HABA) matrix. A linear correlation was found between the intensity ratio of Au n Ag m ϩ to Au nϩ1 Ag mϪ1 ϩ cluster ions and the molar ratio of the gold to silver salt. It was observed that the composition and the distribution of the clusters can be varied with the molar ratio of the silver and gold salts. It was also found that the resulting cluster sizes obey the lognormal distribution. The variation of the atom types building up the cluster and/or the composition, as well as the size of the cluster offers various possibilities to engineer their properties for specific technological and scientific demands. However, to achieve these specific goals much information on the physical and chemical properties of the clusters as the function of their composition and size should be gained. Mass spectrometric methods provide a unique experimental tool for the investigation of the electronic and geometric properties of small-size metal clusters [6].In the past decades several methods were explored to induce gas-phase generation of metal clusters, and most of these techniques were based on the evaporation of metals by heating [7,8], or using laser ablation [9 -11] and ion-bombardment [12][13][14][15]. The production and investigation of binary silver-gold [2,16,17] and those of the pure silver [12][13][14]18] and gold clusters [12,13] has been reported by several research groups. However, in contrast to the information available on the pure silver and gold clusters, only very limited experimental [16,17] and theoretical studies [19] on the properties of small size silver-gold clusters have been reported. Recently, the generation of silver-cluster ions in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) [20,21] was reported using silver salts and various matrixes [22][23][24]. In a previous paper [24] we have shown that both positively and negatively charged silver clusters up to the size of 200 can be effectively produced from silver ions under MALDI conditions. It was noted that considerable reduction of Ag ϩ takes place in the plume and the matrices enhance the formation of silver clusters. As a continuation of our work, we utilized this method for the generation of pure gold clusters and for the production of mixed binary goldsilver clusters. To our best knowledge we are the first to apply the MALDI method to produce pure gold and bimetallic Au-Ag cluster ions. The present report shows that the resulting distribution of the binary gold-silver clusters can be effectively chan...