Just prior to the end of its prime mission, Juno flew by Ganymede (Hansen et al., 2022). The flyby takes advantage of Juno's advanced instrument complement to study details of the plasma, energetic particles and fields involved in the interaction between Ganymede's and Jupiter's magnetospheres. This paper focuses on plasma waves in Ganymede's magnetosphere.Galileo plasma wave and magnetic field measurements revealed the existence of Ganymede's magnetosphere during its first flyby of the moon (Gurnett et al., 1996;Kivelson et al., 1996). Additional Galileo studies included six close flybys (Shprits et al., 2018). The plasma wave observations showed a variety of emissions commonly associated with planetary magnetospheres, including whistler-mode emissions, electron cyclotron harmonics, a band at the upper hybrid frequency, broadband noise bursts at the magnetopause, and even radio emissions emanating from the moon's magnetosphere (Gurnett et al., 1996;Kurth et al., 1997).The Juno spacecraft executed a close flyby of Ganymede at 16:56 on 7 June, day 158, 2021 with a closest approach altitude of 1046 km. The trajectory approached Ganymede over its leading hemisphere or downstream from the moon relative to the co-rotational flow of Jupiter's magnetospheric plasma. The trajectory projected into the z-x and y-x planes is shown in Figure 1 using Ganymede-centered co-rotational coordinates (sometimes referred to as G PhiO ). The +z axis is parallel to Jupiter's rotational axis and the +x axis is parallel to the nominal co-rotational plasma flow. The +y axis is in the direction of Jupiter. The radius of Ganymede (R G ) is 2,631.2 km. The blue, green, and red bars denoted with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 identify regions observed in Ganymede's magnetosphere and will be used to organize the discussion of the Waves observations.