Abstract. I discuss various ways in which CPT symmetry may be violated, and their phenomenology in current or immediate future experimental facilities, both terrestrial and astrophysical. Specifically, I discuss first violations of CPT symmetry due to the impossibility of defining a scattering matrix as a consequence of the existence of microscopic or macroscopic space-time boundaries, such as Planck-scale Black-Hole (event) horizons, or cosmological horizons due to the presence of a (positive) cosmological constant in the Universe. Second, I discuss CPT violation due to breaking of Lorentz symmetry, which may characterize certain approaches to quantum gravity, and third, I describe models of CPT non invariance due to violations of locality of interactions. In each of the above categories I discuss experimental sensitivities. I argue that the majority of Lorentz-violating cases of CPT breaking, with minimal (linear) suppression by the Planck-mass scale, are already excluded by current experimental tests. There are however some (stringy) models which can evade these constraints.
CPT Breaking and the Scattering MatrixThe symmetry under the successive operations (in any order) of charge conjugation, C, parity (reflexion), P, and time reversal, T, known as CPT, is a fundamental symmetry of any local quantum field theory in flat space time, under the following assumptions [1]:• (i) Unitarity and the proper definition of a scattering matrix, • (ii) Lorentz Invariance and • (iii) Locality of InteractionsIn the presence of gravity, i.e. non-Minkowski,non-flat space time backgrounds, CPT symmetry may be violated, at least in in its strong form. This is indeed the case of singular space-time gravitational backgrounds, such as black holes, or in general space times with boundaries. The reason is that in such cases the presence of these boundaries jeopardizes requirements (i) and (ii) of the CPT theorem. In a quantum context, a Black hole evaporates due to Hawking radiation, and as such it may 'capture' for ever information on matter states passing nearby, as depicted schematically in figure 1. In such a case, one may not be able to define properly asymptotic state vectors |ψ > in a quantum context, given that Planck size black hole horizons appear as fluctuations of the geometry, and hence an asymptotic observer will necessarily trace out the information captured by the horizons. This means that the out states will be necessarily described by density matrices, ρ = Tr unobs |ψ >< ψ|. One has therefore an evolution from pure states to mixed, and unitarity is lost. The problem in defining asymptotic state vectors also implies the impossibility of defining a proper scattering S-matrix, since the latter connects by definition "in" and "out" state vectors: |OU T >= S|IN >. Instead, one can only define a Hawking $-matrix [2], which connects IN and OUT mixed states described by density matrices:where $ = SS † , with S = e iHt the S-matrix, and H the Hamiltonian of the matter subsystem. The $-matrix has no inverse, as a consequence...