We study the mechanisms of ablation of solids under femtosecond laser pulses using a two-dimensional molecular-dynamics model. By using a novel method to obtain the thermodynamic relaxation path of different sections of the target in the phase diagram, it is shown that four mechanisms can account for ablation for fluences (energy injected per unit surface) under the threshold for plasma formation: (i) spallation resulting from the loss of stability of the solid target following the passage of a tensile pressure wave; (ii) phase explosion resulting from important homogeneous nucleation of gas bubbles inside a superheated, metastable liquid; (iii) fragmentation of a highly strained supercritical fluid; and (iv) complete vaporization of the surface layers of the target. As many as three of these mechanisms can be active at the same time, inducing ablation of material at different depths under the surface of the sample. The occurrence of these mechanisms is linked to the characteristics of the thermodynamic relaxation path followed by the material after the absorption of the laser pulse.
Nousétudions les mécanismes d'ablation des solides par des impulsions laser femtosecondes en utilisant un