Strong angle-dependent intensity variations of the Fermi-level feature are observed in 4d → 4f resonant photoemission spectra of CePd3 (111), that reveal the periodicity of the lattice and largest intensity close to the Γ points of the surface Brillouin zone. In the framework of a simplified periodic Anderson model the phenomena may quantitatively be described by a wave-vector dependence of the electron hopping matrix elements caused by Fermi-level crossings of non-4f -derived energy bands.PACS numbers: 71.20.Eh, 71.27.+a In Ce compounds, interaction of localized 4f states with itinerant valence-band (VB) states may lead to a number of fascinating phenomena ranging from valence instabilities to heavy-fermion and even non-Fermi-liquid behavior [1]. Although part of physical properties of these compounds may be understood in the framework of local-density approximation (LDA) band-structure calculations, the latter are not able to account properly for the correlated nature of the f electrons. For the latter, localized approaches are applied based on the Kondo or Anderson hamiltonians. Particularly application of the single-impurity Anderson model (SIAM) [2] was very successful allowing a quantitative correlation of transport, thermodynamic and magnetic properties of the materials with spectroscopic data (see, for example, Ref. 3). A shortcoming of this model, however, is its restriction to an isolated f impurity that ignores the influence of the periodicity of the lattice on the f state. Anisotropies of physical properties, therefore, are usually only discussed in terms of crystal field effects, while a k dependence of hybridization is not considered [4]. Taking into account the latter leads to the periodic Anderson model (PAM) for which, however, realistic approaches are presently still missing [5].Experimentally, in particular angle-resolved photoemission (PE) has been used to search for inconsistencies of SIAM that make use of PAM necessary. In PE spectra, the Ce 4f emissions reveal a characteristic double peak structure consisting of a spin-orbit split Fermi-level (E F ) feature related to the Kondo resonance and a broad peak at about 2 eV binding energy (BE) that corresponds roughly to the 4f 0 final state expected for photoionization of a 4f 1 ground state. In the light of PAM, BE and intensity variations of these features as a function of electron wave vector k are expected being particularly strong for the Fermi-level peak. In fact, in a few cases energy dispersions [6,7,8,9,10,11] and k-dependent intensity variations [6,10,12] were reported and qualitatively interpreted in the light of PAM. A quantitative description of the phenomena in relation to the VB structure however is still lacking.In the present Letter we report on an angle-resolved 4d → 4f resonant PE study of CePd 3 (111). This compound is characterized by a relatively low VB density of states around the Fermi energy [13] and band crossings of the Fermi level may only be observed by photoemission at certain points in k space. CePd 3 (111) re...