In high-transition-temperature (Tc) superconductivity, charge doping is a natural tuning parameter that takes copper oxides from the antiferromagnet to the superconducting region. In the metallic state above T c, the standard Landau's Fermi-liquid theory of metals as typified by the temperature squared (T 2 ) dependence of resistivity appears to break down. Whether the origin of the non-Fermiliquid behavior is related to physics specific to the cuprates is a fundamental question still under debate. We uncover a transformation from the non-Fermi-liquid state to a standard Fermi-liquid state driven not by doping but by magnetic field in the overdoped high-T c superconductor Tl2Ba2CuO6؉x. From the c-axis resistivity measured up to 45 T, we show that the Fermi-liquid features appear above a sufficiently high field that decreases linearly with temperature and lands at a quantum critical point near the superconductivity's upper critical field-with the Fermi-liquid coefficient of the T 2 dependence showing a power-law diverging behavior on the approach to the critical point. This field-induced quantum criticality bears a striking resemblance to that in quasi-two-dimensional heavy-Fermion superconductors, suggesting a common underlying spin-related physics in these superconductors with strong electron correlations.quantum criticality ͉ strongly correlated electron materials ͉ superconductivity Q uantum criticality refers to a phase transition process between competing states of matter governed not by thermal but by quantum fluctuations demanded by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (1). It has emerged at the front and center of the physics of strongly correlated electron systems known to host competing quantum orders, and is witnessed by a proliferation of reports on heavy Fermions (2-5), itinerant (quantum) magnets (6), and hightransition-temperature (high-T c ) superconductors (7), with quantum matter tuned (at times arguably) through a transition by pressure, magnetic field, or doping-arguably because one has to rely on long shadows cast by quantum criticality far above zero temperature (8), for, obviously, T ϭ 0 K cannot ever be attained.The often-invoked hallmark of quantum criticality is an unconventional behavior of resistivity. For resistivity contribution, the standard Fermi liquid (FL) theory of metals predicts a quadratic temperature dependence (T) ϭ (0) ϩ AT 2 at low temperatures. In high-T c cuprates, however, the baffling T-linear resistivity over a huge temperature range near optimal (hole) doping has been observed (9), flagging, in this sense, a nonFermi liquid (n-FL) behavior in the metallic state above T c . This has led to new theoretical concepts, some related [e.g., phenomenology of ''marginal Fermi liquid'' (10)] and some unrelated [e.g., ''strange metal'' state (11)] to quantum criticality. In most considerations of cuprates near quantum critical points (QCPs) the tuning parameter is charge doping (1, 10); and although there is some experimental support (7, 12) for a doping-driven QCP, it is still...