Nonsequential double ionization of Ar by 45 fs laser pulses (800 nm) at 4-7 10 13 W=cm 2 was explored in fully differential measurements. Well below the field-modified recollision threshold we enter the multiphoton regime. Strongly correlated back-to-back emission of the electrons along the polarization direction is observed to dominate in striking contrast to all previous data. No effect of Coulomb repulsion can be found, the predicted cutoff in the sum-energy spectra of two emitted electrons is confirmed, and the potential importance of multiple recollisions is discussed. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.053001 PACS numbers: 32.80.Rm, 31.90.+s, 32.80.Fb, 32.80.Wr Within the past three decades extensive studies on the interaction of intense laser fields with atoms and molecules have resulted in a profound understanding of various strong-field phenomena. Prominent examples are abovethreshold ionization (ATI) [1] or high-order harmonic generation [2], both essentially treatable within the single active electron (SAE) approximation. Correlated fewelectron processes, on the other hand, most important, for example, in nonsequential double (multiple) ionization (NSDI) (for a recent review see, e.g., [3]) have, until the present day, resisted any comprehensive modeling.Recently, however, a breakthrough was achieved at high intensities ( PW=cm 2 ) [4]. The application of many-particle imaging techniques [reaction microscopes and cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy (COLTRIMS)] [5] has allowed recording (multi)differential data on strong-field few-electron reactions and sophisticated calculations (see, e.g., [6] and references therein) have advanced their theoretical interpretation. As a result, a commonly accepted though simple picture has emerged, characterizing NSDI. Here an electron first tunnels into the field, is then accelerated, and finally thrown back onto its parent ion by the oscillating laser field. During ''recollision'' n-fold ionization might occur either in a direct e; ne -like encounter or indirectly via recollision-induced excitation of the ion plus subsequent field ionization (RESI) [7]. Signatures of the former are that both electrons are exclusively emitted into the same hemisphere along the polarization direction leading to ''double-hump'' shaped parallel momentum distributions of the ions (compensating the electron momenta). For RESI instead, according to the present understanding, the electrons can be emitted either parallel or back to back, thus filling the valley in between the double hump for the ions. Beyond the well-accepted simple scenario, however, major questions about the correlated electron emission are still far from being understood and are extensively investigated [6,8] because recollision is at the very heart of attoscience, molecular tomography, or imaging [9].At low intensities one intriguing though still widely unexplored question did arise early on within the above picture [10]. What happens when the energy of the recolliding electron of up to 3:17U P is not sufficient t...