It has been reported that a 5.7σ directional muon excess coincident with the 2000 July 14 solar flare was registered by the L3 precision muon spectrometer [Ruiguang Wang, Astroparticle Phys., 31(2009) 149]. Using a same analysis method and similar criteria of event selection, we have analyzed the L3 precision muon spectrometer data during November 2000. The result shows that a 4.7σ muon excess appeared at a time coincident with the solar flare of 8 of November 2000. This muon excess corresponds to above 40 GeV primary protons which came from a sky cell of solid angle 0.048 sr. The probability of being a background fluctuation is estimated to be about 0.1%. It has been convinced that solar protons could be accelerated to tens of GeV in those Class X solar flares which usually arose solar cosmic ray ground level enhancement (GLE) events. However, whether a Class M solar flare like the non-GLE event of 8 November 2000 may also accelerate solar protons to such high energies? It is interesting and noteworthy.