We have isolated a genomic clone encoding a plant NADP+-dependent malic enzyme (NADP-ME). This clone, isolated from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), covers the entire gene (exons, introns) and 5'-flanking regions. DNA sequencing defines 20 exons spanning approximately 4.5 kb, which range over 48-235 bp in size. All 19 introns are fairly small (79-391 bp). The first intron resides in the S'hntranslated leader sequence. Introns 10, 11 and 16 are located at positions identical to a rat malic-enzyme gene. In the promoter region, a TATA box (TATATATA) is easily recognized 41 bp upstream of a single transcription-initiation site. Two potential cis-acting elements with homology to elements from plant genes, activated by UV light and fungal elicitors, were identified at positions -153 and -312, respectively. Southern-blot analysis suggests a single gene copy, but also other distantly related genes, in the bean genome. The deduced NADP-ME protein of 589 amino acids exhibits features consistent with a cytoplasmic location. We describe the organization of the NADP-ME protein into functional domains located on separate exons. The evolution of malicenzyme genes coding for isoforms in different cellular compartments of plants and animals is discussed.Malic enzyme [L-malate : NAD(P)-oxidoreductase (decarboxylating)] catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of malate to pymvate, generating reducing equivalents [NAD(P)H] and CO,. NAD+-dependent-malic-enzyme isoforms (NAD-ME) and isoforms using NADP' as a coenzyme (NADP-ME) are localized in different cellular compartments in both animals and plants [l, 21. Another form of NAD-ME, which, like NADP-ME, can also decarboxylate oxaloacetate is found predominantly in bacteria [3]. Malic enzyme is widely distributed and its activity is particularly high in specific metabolic situations. For example, it plays an important role in lipogenesis in mammalian liver, where a strictly cytosolic NADP-ME is linked to the generation of NADPH for fatty acid biosynthesis [l].Plants usually express nuclear genes for cytosolic NADPMEs and mitochondria1 NAD-MEs [2-51. A particular use of NADP-ME has evolved in C, plants such as maize, which employ a chloroplastic NADP-ME in a special mode of photosynthetic carbon fixation [6]. CO, is fixed into malate in mesophyll cells, shuttled into neighbouring bundle-sheath cells and released there from malate through chloroplastic Abbreviations. NAD-ME, NAD+ -dependent malic enzyme ; NADP-ME, NADP+-dependent malic enzyme; CAM, crassulaceanacid metabolism.Enzymes. NAD+ -dependent malic enzyme, oxaloacetate decarboxylating (EC 1.1 .I .38) ; NAD +-dependent malic enzyme (EC 1 .I .1.39) ; NADP+-dependent malic enzyme, oxaloacetate decarboxylating (EC The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenbankEMBL Data Bank and are available under accession number X80051. tut fur Pflanzenphysiologie (260), D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany NADP-ME in order to be refixed by ribulose-1,s-bisphosphate carboxylase. Primary carbon fixation into m...