Reviews.-The chemistry of oxazirans,' tetrapyrroles? glycofuranosides: fur an^,^ 1,2-and 1,3-dithiolium ions,' indoxazenes,6 2-0xazolidones,~ and 1,3,4-oxadiazoles* has been reviewed. Further reviews cover quinacridones,' quinodimethane and its analogues,'O deoxy-sugars, ' ' monocyclic sulphurcontaining pyrones, ' the Hilbert-Johnson reaction of 2,4-dialkoxypyrimidines with halogenoses,' isoall~xazines,'~ pheno~azines,'~ and cephalosporins.'6 The benzene oxide-oxepin and related tautomeri~ms'~ and the chemistry of diazepines' have been considered. The value in heterocyclic syntheses of activated carbon-carbon triple bonds," cyanic esters,20 sulphenes,21 sulphur dioxide imides,22 of reactions of enamines with sulphur and carbon d i ~u l p h i d e ~~ and of ketones with sulphur and ammonia,24 and of cycloaddition reactions2' have been discussed. More general reviews have been concerned with the literature of heterocycles,26 their conf~rmational~' and mass spectral be-