“…For example, yohimbme (which mcreases NE transmission by blocking inhibitory alpha-2 adrenoceptors) was reported to increase the number of mounts after genital anesthet~zatmn, to increase the percentage of sexually naive males mounting, intromltting and ejaculating, and to decrease the latency to mtromisslon [62]. In another study, yohlmbme faclhtated several copulatory rate and ejaculation threshold measures, including decreased ejaculation latency, postejaculatory interval, mtercopulatory interval, and mtromlssions preceding ejaculation, whde the alpha-2 agonist, clonidine (which decreases noradrenergic transmission), was found to decrease the number of males ejaculating [63] In addition, the alpha-I receptor antagonist, prazosm, slowed copulation by increasing intromission and ejaculation latencies and increasing postejaculatory interval [63]. Finally, a recent report demonstrated that three drugs (yohimblne, imiloxan, and idazoxan) which were found to increase sexual arousal, all bound with high affinity to alpha-2 receptors [130].…”