Peroxisomes are highly dynamic and metabolically active organelles that play an important role in cellular functions, including reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism. Peroxisomal dynamics, such as the proliferation, movement, and production of dynamic extensions called peroxules, have been associated with ROS in plant cells. However, the function and regulation of peroxules are largely unknown. Using confocal microscopy, we have shown that treatment of Arabidopsis leaves with the heavy metal cadmium produces time course-dependent changes in peroxisomal dynamics, starting with peroxule formation, followed by peroxisome proliferation, and finally returning to the normal morphology and number. These changes during Cd treatment were regulated by NADPH oxidase (C and F)-related ROS production. Peroxule formation is a general response to stimuli such as arsenic and is regulated by peroxin 11a (PEX11a), as Arabidopsis pex11a RNA i lines are unable to produce peroxules under stress conditions. The pex11a line showed higher levels of lipid peroxidation content and lower expression of genes involved in antioxidative defenses and signaling, suggesting that these extensions are involved in regulating ROS accumulation and ROSdependent gene expression in response to stress. Our results demonstrate that PEX11a and peroxule formation play a key role in regulating stress perception and fast cell responses to environmental cues.Peroxisomes are highly versatile organelles that adapt to changes in their cellular environment through morphological and metabolic adjustments (Hu et al., 2012;Sandalio et al., 2013). Plant peroxisomes perform essential functions such as photorespiration and fatty acid b-oxidation, ureide, and phytohormone (auxin and jasmonic acid) metabolisms, and also act as a source of signal molecules such as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS; Sandalio and RomeroPuertas, 2015). Peroxisomes contain a large battery of antioxidants to control ROS and RNS accumulation (Sandalio and Romero-Puertas, 2015). These organelles proliferate in response to environmental cues through a complex process involving elongation, constriction, and fission (Hu et al., 2012;Baker and Paudyal, 2014). Deciphering the signaling pathways governing the regulation of peroxisome proliferation under different environmental and metabolic conditions presents a major challenge in this field of research. Before peroxisomal division, organelle elongation occurs in a process regulated by peroxins 11 (PEX11), with the final division requiring dynamin-like or dynamin-related proteins and fission proteins (Hu et al., 2012, Schrader et al., 2012. There is evidence to suggest that ROS are involved in regulating peroxisome proliferation, as some peroxisomal biogenesis genes (PEX) are transcriptionally regulated by H 2 O 2 in both plant and animal cells (López-Huertas et al., 2000). The formation of peroxisomal extensions, known as peroxules, has also been observed to be regulated by exogenous applications of H 2 O 2 (Sinclair et al., 2009;Ba...