Most natural odors are mixtures and often elicit percepts distinct from those elicited by their constituents. This emergence of a unique odor quality has long been attributed to central processing. Here we show that sophisticated integration of olfactory information begins in olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in Drosophila. Odor mixtures are encoded in the temporal dynamics as well as in the magnitudes of ORN responses. ORNs can respond to an inhibitory odorant with different durations depending on the level of background excitation. ORNs respond to mixtures with distinctive temporal dynamics that reflect the physicochemical properties of the constituent odorants. The insect repellent DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), which attenuates odor responses of multiple ORNs, differs from an ORNspecific inhibitor in its effects on temporal dynamics. Our analysis reveals a means by which integration of information from odor mixtures begins in ORNs and provides insight into the contribution of inhibitory stimuli to sensory coding.A fascinating aspect of the sense of smell is that odor mixtures often have distinctive emergent qualities, and their individual constituents are difficult to identify (1). How the emergent quality of an odor mixture arises is unknown. It is believed to originate mainly from information processing in the central nervous system, as in the insect antennal lobe (2-4) and the vertebrate olfactory bulb (5, 6). However, olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) also contribute to the integration of olfactory information. For example, some individual rat ORNs respond to a binary odor mixture with response magnitudes, i.e., firing frequencies, that cannot be predicted simply from the responses to its components (7,8). In addition, studies in moths (9-14) and beetles (15) have provided evidence that information about odorants in a mixture can be integrated in the periphery. However, little is known about how information is processed in ORNs. It is unclear, for example, whether individual ORNs are capable of integrating information via means other than simple alterations of their response magnitudes.Equally intriguing in sensory coding is the role of inhibitory stimuli. In taste, certain stimuli inhibit vertebrate sweet receptors (16,17). In olfaction, inhibitory odorants have been identified for olfactory receptors of vertebrates (18-21) and invertebrates (13,(22)(23)(24)(25)(26). When delivered as a monomolecular odor stimulus, inhibitors reduce the spontaneous activity of ORNs. However, the low spontaneous activities of most ORNs (13,22,23,27) limit the dynamic range of inhibition, and inhibitory odorants may have greater functional significance when paired with excitatory odorants. Indeed, an inhibitory odorant reduced the intensity of a concurrent excitatory odor stimulus in a human psychophysical study (28), and odorants that inhibited CO 2 -sensing neurons prevented CO 2 -mediated avoidance behaviors in Drosophila (24). However, it is not clear whether a binary mixture of an excitatory stimulus and an inhibito...