ABSTRACT. In order to examine reproductive characteristics of feral raccoons in Kamakura, 335 raccoons were collected from March 2005 to March 2007. Raccoons were classified into five age classes: Class I, less than 5 months old; Class II, 5-11 months; Class III, 12-17 months; Class IV, 18-23 months; and Class V, over 23 months old. Females were examined for their age specific pregnancy rate and litter size. To determine when raccoon births occur in the region, birth months of fetuses were estimated by the fetal growth rate, and birth months of Class I individuals were examined by tooth eruption. From fetuses of 18 pregnant females and 47 Class I individuals, it was found that the raccoon births occur from February to October. Of 163 females examined, all of Class I-II females were nulliparous. Pregnancy rate was 47.6% in Class III females, which was significantly lower than 75.0% in Class IV and 78.1% in Class V. The litter size of fetuses ranged from 2 to 5, and 3.9 on average; and that of placental scars ranged from 1 to 7, 3.8 on average. Our findings suggest that parturition of raccoons is a bimodal distribution and age at first parturition may occur between 12 and 17 months old. In order to reduce the raccoon population successfully, females of all ages should be captured throughout the year.KEY WORDS: litter size, parturition, pregnancy rate, Procyon lotor, raccoon.J. Vet. Med. Sci. 71(11): 1473-1478, 2009 Reproductive characteristics have an influence on the population dynamics in wild mammals. Breeding season, pregnancy rate, and litter size are often useful data for wildlife management. Reproductive characteristics should also be investigated for monitoring of the alien species control program.The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is native to North America, and considered as invasive alien species in Japan. The first report of raccoon naturalization was made in 1962 and the animals are known to have escaped from a zoo in Inuyama, Aichi [1]. The feral raccoon has been distributed to all prefectures of Japan because of naturalization by escapes from captivity and intentional releases [9][10][11]17]. In Kamakura, raccoon naturalization was identified in 1988 [23], and the feral raccoons have been captured to control the damage of invading houses [11]. Kanagawa Government formulated raccoon control program in 2006 [15], with the basis of the Invasive Alien Species Act in 2005. Reproduction of raccoons in North America has been studied extensively [18,20,24,25,27,28], and reproductive characteristics have been considered to vary in the different distribution [5,6,24,30]. In recent years, several studies of feral raccoon reproduction have been published in Japan [2,16,29]. Like in North America, not only adults but also yearlings of the feral raccoon were reported to mate in breeding season [2,29]. In Kanagawa, although many raccoons have been captured by the pest control actions, female reproductive characteristics are not well known. Kanagawa raccoon control program was formulated on the basis of previous studies t...