“…Reducing the need for irrigation be increasing soil water storage through increase in SOM content Klein and Klein (2015) Brazil SOM content improved aggregation under pasture Suzuki, Reichert, and Reinert (2013) Brazil High SOM under no-till increased water storage Figueiredo, Ramos, and Tostes (2008) Burkina Faso SOM increases field capacity and permanent wilting point Leu et al (2010) Canada: Manitoba High correlation among SOC, soil water conditions, content, and bulk density Manns, Parkin, and Martin (2016) China Total organic carbon was correlated with water holding capacity Li, Li, Zed, Zhan, and Singh (2007) China SOM content suppresses evaporation losses Ding et al (2014) China SOM has a positive effect on soil water content S. X. Zhang, Zhang, Jiang, and Yu (2013) China: Alpine SOM content plays a dominant role in SWR Yang et al 2015Hungary A slight effect of SOM on moisture storage C Rajkai et al 2015Italy Input of compost and manure increased water capacity Elia, Conversa, Trotta, and Rinaldi (2007) Spain SOM content increased water retention and aggregation Acín-Carrera et al 2013Spain Humic acids with aliphatic domain displayed favorable hydrological properties of semi-arid soils Álvarez, Carral, Hernández, and Almendros (2013) Turkey Organic matter incorporation can enhance soil resilience against extreme weather Mujdeci, Simsek, and Uygur (2019) USA Crop residue management and conservation tillage for semi-arid regions Unger, Stewart, Parr, and Singh (1991) USA Maintaining and improving hydrological functions of soil Hatfield, Cruse, and Tomer (2013) The current and projected climate change, as well as the increase in risks of soil degradation, may aggravate the drought stress during crop growth because of reduction in PAWC (pedological drought) of soil, and depletion of soil water in the root zone at the critical stage of crop growth (i.e., flowering stage) in conjunction with high air and soil temperatures associated with a heat wave (agronomic drought).…”