Summary:Purpose: To assess whether the N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) to creatine ratio (NAA/Cr) is abnormally low at the onset of epilepsy and whether successful treatment of seizures with antiepileptic drugs is sufficient for normalization of NAA/Cr.Patients and Methods: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging ('H-MRSI) was used to measure NAA/Cr in temporal lobes of eight patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy before or soon after starting medication. Six patients had follow-up ' H-MRSI examinations 7 months later. Clinical pattern of the seizures and the EEG findings suggested partial seizures in all and TLE in five patients. None of the patients had lesional epilepsy according to magnetic resonance imaging.Results: Initial 'H-MRSI of the temporal lobes showed significantly low NAA/Cr values in five of eight patients. Five of six patients who had follow-up 'H-MRSI were seizure-free after using medication; the remaining patient did not take medication and continued to experience occasional auras. Wilcoxon rank sign comparison of NAA/Cr on initial 'H-MRSI examination and follow-up 'H-MRSIs showed no significant difference (Z = 135, p = 0.893, 2-tailed) for five seizure-free patients.Conclusions: Neuronal dysfunction is present at an early stage of the epileptic process. NAA/Cr recovery in seizure-free patients controlled with antiepileptic drugs is less evident, compared with successful surgical treatment. Thus, absence of seizures is not necessarily coupled with NAAlCr improvement and observed variable response warrants further investigation. Key Words: MRS-Epilepsy-Newly diagnosed epilepsyNeuronal recovery. In brain proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ('H-MRS), the most intense signal is visible at 2.02 ppm and corresponds to N-acetyl groups, mainly N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) (1). NAA is synthesized in brain mitochondria from acetyl-coenzyme A and aspartate by the enzyme L-aspartate N-acetyltransferase (2-4), and is confined to neurons and neuronal processes of the mature brain (5,6). The NAA signal in the mature brain derives only from the neuronal pool, areas of decreased NAA signal intensity are interpreted as neuronal loss and dysfunction. The assumption of neuronal loss is supported by both experimental (7-12) and clinical observations (13,14). The assumption of neuronal dysfunction is supported by in vivo (15-17) and in vitro (12,18,19) (17) performed proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging ( 'H-MRSI) in 16 patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis before and after endarterectomy. They found that metabolic changes seen preoperatively (LNAA, Tiactate) normalized 4 days after endarterectomy. Matthews et al. (18) showed that neurons under stress conditions in vitro express less NAA, and this reverses with optimization of the culture media, reflecting the survival of a population of viable neurons. Bates et al. (19) showed that inhibition of mitochondrial oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis also inhibited NAA production, suggesting that impaired neuronal mitochondria function, if ...