Abstract. The effective gluon propagator constructed with the pinch technique is governed by a SchwingerDyson equation with special structure and gauge properties, that can be deduced from the correspondence with the background field method. Most importantly the non-perturbative gluon self-energy is transverse order-by-order in the dressed loop expansion, and separately for gluonic and ghost contributions, a property which allows for a meanigfull truncation. A linearized version of the truncated Schwinger-Dyson equation is derived, using a vertex that satisfies the required Ward identity and contains massless poles. The resulting integral equation, subject to a properly regularized constraint, is solved numerically, and the main features of the solutions are briefly discussed. It is well-known that one of the main theoretical problems when dealing with Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equations is that they are built out of unphysical off-shell Green's functions; thus, the extraction of reliable physical information depends crucially on delicate all-order cancellations, which may be inadvertently distorted in the process of the truncation. The truncation scheme based on the pinch technique (PT) [1,2] implements a drastic modification at the level of the building blocks of the SD series. The PT enables the construction of new, effective Green's functions endowed with very special properties; most importantly, they are independent of the gauge-fixing parameter, and satisfy QED-like Ward identities (WI) instead of the usual Slavnov-Taylor identities. The upshot of this approach would then be to trade the conventional SD series for another, written in terms of the new Green's functions, and then truncate this new series, by keeping only a few terms in a "dressed-loop" expansion, maintaining exact gauge-invariance. Of central importance in this context is the connection between the PT and the Background Field Method (BFM), a special gauge-fixing procedure that preserves the symmetry of the action under ordinary gauge transformations with respect to the background (classical) gauge field A a µ . As a result, the background n-point functions satisfy QED-like all-order WIs. The connection between PT and BFM, known to persist to all orders (last two articles in [2]), affirms that the (gauge-independent) PT effective n-point functions coincide with the (gaugedependent) BFM n-point functions provided that the latter are computed in the Feynman gauge. In this talk we report recent progress on the issue of gluon mass generation in the PT-BFM scheme [3].
PACSWe first define some basic quantities. There are two gluon propagators appearing in this problem, ∆ µν (q) and ∆ µν (q), denoting the background and quantum gluon propagator, respectively. Defining P µν (q) = g µν − q µ q ν q 2 , we have that ∆ µν (q), in the Feynman gauge is given byThe gluon self-energy, Π µν (q), has the form Π µν (q) = P µν (q) Π(q 2 ), and ∆ −1 (q 2 ) = q 2 + i Π(q 2 ). Exactly analogous definitions relate ∆ µν (q) with Π µν (q).As is widely known, in the conven...