This paper provides a review of the contribution that geoarchaeological research has played in elucidating the landscape history of the Trent Valley, U.K. Ameliorating climate in the immediate postglacial led to the expansion of mixed deciduous woodland across the valley floor and the development of an anastomosing channel. In the Lower Trent, fluvial and vegetation development may have been influenced by sea-level change. Around 4000 B.C., the character of the valley floor changed, demonstrated by the dating of tree trunks interbedded within gravel deposits. Synchronicity of changing geomorphological and hydrological processes is suggested, and, while the causal mechanism of this change are not fully understood, tree trunks which were clearly felled have been identified in the valley and provide significant evidence. The later prehistoric and historic archaeological remains, including fishweirs, bridges, and mill dams, point to increasing human activity, and environmental evidence documents the increasing effects of agriculture on the catchment.