DOI: 10.1155/2020/8849609
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Evidence of Second Canal between Permanent Mandibular Central and Lateral Incisors in China; a Systematic Review on CBCT Studies

Abstract: Introduction. Evidence of second canal in permanent mandibular incisors is frequently questioned in dentistry. The difference in evidence between the two teeth is an interesting argument across different countries and ethnicities. So the aim of the systematic review was to investigate the evidence of second canal between permanent mandibular central and lateral incisors in China. Materials and Methods. The papers were selected from the electronic databases and hand searching according to inclusion and exclusio… Show more

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Cited by 6 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 22 publications
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“…The complexity of the root and canal morphology of MFMs can be attributed to ethnicity, age, gender, and study design [ 13 ]. Even if the person has partial edentulism, the long-standing teeth in the mouth are still mandibular permanent incisors [ 14 ]. Many clinicians mistakenly believe that the mandibular anteriors (MAs) all have single root canals.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The complexity of the root and canal morphology of MFMs can be attributed to ethnicity, age, gender, and study design [ 13 ]. Even if the person has partial edentulism, the long-standing teeth in the mouth are still mandibular permanent incisors [ 14 ]. Many clinicians mistakenly believe that the mandibular anteriors (MAs) all have single root canals.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Specifically, when there was at least one PMI (either PMCIs or PMLIs) with additional canals, the presence of MB2 in PMFMs could be highly considered and the presence of MB2 increased with the number of PMIs with additional canals. PMIs retain relatively longer than the other teeth in the oral cavity [34], likely due to the fact that the flushing of saliva from the adjacent submandibular and sublingual gland duct orifices makes the incisors less susceptible to caries. The long‐lasting retention of PMIs in the oral cavity makes it a stably accessible predictor for the presence of MB2.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Specifically, when there was at least one PMI (either PMCIs or PMLIs) with additional canals, the presence of MB2 in PMFMs could be highly considered and the presence of MB2 increased with the number of PMIs with additional canals. PMIs retain relatively longer than the other teeth in the oral cavity [34], likely due to the fact that the flushing Although PMIs are almost synchronised with PMFMs from the beginning of mineralisation to the complete formation, unlike PMFMs, PMIs often have a single canal and a single root [17,35]. However, additional canals in PMIs have also been reported, which significantly increases the difficulty of endodontic treatment [36].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has recently been employed in dental diagnosis, aiding observation of the internal struc-Original Article https://doi.org/10.5115/acb. 22.247 pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673 ture of hard tissues [2][3][4][5][6][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. Further, the effective dose of CBCT is lower than that of multislice CT [15].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…An accurate understanding of the dental morphology, especially root canal morphology, is vital when administering dental treatments. Some mandibular incisors, including 0.4%–40% of mandibular central incisors and 5%–35% of mandibular lateral incisors, reportedly have two root canals [ 1 - 6 ].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%