“…Vali [6] performed the ab initio calculation with the ABINIT software package and demonstrated that the phonon spectrum of the cubic phase of the SrZrO 3 crystal exhibits only an antiferrodistorsive instability and that all the observed phase transitions are associated with the condensation of modes at the boundary points R and M of the Brillouin zone and with the joint action of the modes at the points R and M. According to the data obtained from experimental and theoretical investigations, no ferroelectric instability in this crys tal has been observed. At the same time, it is known that the changeover from a bulk crystal to thin films, sometimes, leads to significant changes in the proper ties of the compound; in particular, there arises a fer roelectric state, as is the case, for example, with SrTiO 3 thin films, in which, as follows from the exper imental data, there occurs a ferroelectric phase transi tion at a temperature of 304 K [7].…”