Despite the few researches on entrepreneurial mind of the graduates, the entrepreneurial mind of the female graduate-to-be is yet to be ascertained and therefore remains unexplored. A cross-sectional study of quantitative questionnaire survey approach was conducted. A convenience sampling technique was used to draw 200 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of entrepreneurship students who are in their final semesters Universiti Utara Malaysia. A questionnaire data was generated from 154 female graduates to be through self-administered procedure at UUM. SmartPLS analysis technique was used to analyse the data generated. Overall, the result indicates that attitude, entrepreneurial skill, culture and knowledge are significantly related to entrepreneurial mind of the female graduates to-be. Based on the findings obtained, the study concludes that attitude, entrepreneurial skill, knowledge and culture are very crucial in determining the entrepreneurial mind of the female graduate to-be. The implications, limitations and suggestions for future studies are discussed.