“…Three instruments were used to assess reading: the Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE, School Performance Test), isolated word reading test (Stein, 1994), the Prova de Avaliação dos Processos de Leitura (PROLEC, Assessment of reading processes) (reading test and understanding of small texts, Capellini, Oliveira, & Cuetos, 2014), and the Teste de Leitura: Compreensão de Sentenças (TELCS, Reading Test: Understanding Sentences) (Test of reading and understanding sentences, Vilhena, Sucena, Castro, & Pinheiro, 2016). To assess phonemic awareness, the Tarefas de Consciência Fonêmica (TCFe, Phonemic Awareness Tasks) by Godoy and Cogo-Moreira (2015) were used. To assess executive functions, some subtests of the Instrumento de Avaliação Neuropsicológica Breve (Neupsilin-inf Brief, Neuropsychological Assessment Instrument for Child) neuropsychological battery (working memory, inhibitory control and verbal fluency) (Salles et al, 2016), the Trails test (Montiel & Seabra, 2012b), the Cancellation, and the Tower of London test were used, as described in Chart 1.…”