Objective: Its main objective is to identify trends and business opportunities in the agribusiness sector through the use of biotechnologies, from the perspective of the bioeconomy. In addition, it has as its specific objective to show the bioproducts already existing on the market and what are the main obstacles for the adoption of the use of biotechnology by agribusiness.
Theoretical Reference: In this topic, the main concepts and authors on bioeconomy, bieconomy in Brazil and bioeconomy of agribusiness are presented.
Method: 11 interviews were conducted with researchers, businessmen and public servants from institutions such as Embrapa (Ceará and Amazônia poles), Renorbio, Ceará's Secretariat for Science and Technology and the State of Ceará's Secretariat for Agrarian Development.
Results and Discussion: The results of the research show that there are various products and practices of agribusiness that involve biotechnology, such as the use of organic waste for the emergence of other products, what the interviewees called added value, innovative products such as cashew burgers, probiotic and prebiotic juices, bioadhesives and bioplastics, water reuse, among others. However, for the emergence of these products and practices, there are several obstacles such as prejudice with the use of technologies, lack of a regulatory framework, lack of public and private incentives, lack of public policies, lack of investments in research, among others.
Originality/Value: the importance of the agribusiness sector for the country's economy, the business opportunities presented, sustainable practices, consumer behavior, among others, is highlighted.