Tantalum and niobium mineralization is often assoeiated with geoehemieally speeialized granites whieh are eharaeterized by enriehment in fluorine, and by the development ofpervasive, postmagmatie alteration. Three major varieties of granite ean be reeognized:1. Alkaligranites eontaining alkali pyroxenes and/or amphiboles whieh are eharaeterized by high Fe, F, Nb, Zr, Rb, Sn and REE, and by low CaO, Ba, Sr and Ta/Nb. Thesegranites oeeur prineipally in anorogenie settings, and are assoeiated mainly with niobium mineralization.2. Biotite and/or museovite granitesoften eontaining Fe-Li mieas whieh are eharaeterized by high F, Rb and Sn, and by low CaO, Ba, Sr and Eu. Thesegranites oeeur in both anorogenie and pastaragenie settings, and are assoeiated prineipally with Nb-Ta( -Sn) mineralization.3. Lepidolite-albite granitesoften eontaining topaz whieh are eharaeterized by high Al20 3 , F, Li, Rb, Sn, Ta and Ta/Nb, and by low Ba, Sr, Eu, Zr and REE. These granites oeeur prineipally in pastaragenie settings, but also form marginal facies varieties ofbiotite and/or museovite granites in both anorogenie and pastaragenie settings. Lepidolite-albite granites are generally assoeiated with Ta(-Nb-Sn) mineralization.Many granites assoeiated with tantalum and niobium mineralization are zoned vertieally, with the finer-grained porphyritie, granophyrie, pegmatitie and/or miarolitie roeks whieh oeeur insmall eupolas grading downwards into medium-and eoarse-grained granite. This vertieal textural zonation indieates an important eoneentration ofvolatile and ore elements in the roof ofthe plutons from the earliest stages of erystallization.The mineralogieal and geoehemieal features of rare-metal granites refleet features of their souree roek eompositions, as well as magmatie fraetionation and postmagmatie alteration proeesses. Trends towards inereasing Al 2 0 3 , Na 2 0, Fand a variety ofrare metals in the most evolved roeks may refleet erystal and/or liquid fraetionation during magma evolution and/or postmagmatie alteration by interaetion with fluorine-rieh hydrothermal fluids.Detailed petrographie and mineralogieal study of a variety of examples is required before geoehemieal and isotopie modeHing ofthese rare-meta! granites ean advanee beyond the preliminary stage.