DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c03079
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Evolution Mechanism of Material Composition–Pore Structure–Adsorption Property in Marine Shale Based on Pyrolysis Experiments: A Typical Case of the Mesoproterozoic Xiamaling Formation

Abstract: The evolution of shale gas reservoirs is highly complicated, especially when the reservoir is at a great depth and has undergone complex diagenesis and multiple stages of tectonic activity. However, the evolution mechanism of material composition− pore structure−adsorption property remains unclear. In this study, pyrolysis experiments were used to obtain products of different maturities and determine the evolution processes that took place in a reservoir and total organic carbon (TOC), X-ray diffraction, field… Show more

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Cited by 3 publications
(4 citation statements)
References 55 publications
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“…The maximum density in their expression is obtained from the intercept of the x -axis of excess adsorption with respect to bulk density. On the other hand, the regressed maximum adsorption capacity has been used to evaluate the effect of shale rock properties such as composition (e.g., TOC, moisture) ,, and pore structures. ,, In terms of the approaches using constant V a , Xiong et al used V a obtained by multiplying SSA by 0.38 nm (as the width of methane single-adsorption layer) to regress experimentally measured m ex . Pang et al showed that the Langmuir model with 0.38 nm as the constant adsorption layer width can have a reasonable agreement with GCMC simulations.…”
Section: Methane Excess Adsorption and Absolute Adsorption: Measureme...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The maximum density in their expression is obtained from the intercept of the x -axis of excess adsorption with respect to bulk density. On the other hand, the regressed maximum adsorption capacity has been used to evaluate the effect of shale rock properties such as composition (e.g., TOC, moisture) ,, and pore structures. ,, In terms of the approaches using constant V a , Xiong et al used V a obtained by multiplying SSA by 0.38 nm (as the width of methane single-adsorption layer) to regress experimentally measured m ex . Pang et al showed that the Langmuir model with 0.38 nm as the constant adsorption layer width can have a reasonable agreement with GCMC simulations.…”
Section: Methane Excess Adsorption and Absolute Adsorption: Measureme...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Thermal simulation should be long enough to simulate the actual geological age. Most importantly, the temperature or normal geothermal gradient simulated, is relatively low, at only about 600°C (Hu et al, 2015;Chen et al, 2020;Wang et al, 2020), which is lower than the effect of thermal contact by intrusive rocks. Therefore, the means by which a sample can be selected that can illustrate a shale maturity response to an extremely high temperature source is the key to successfully simulating hydrocarbon generation by source rock/shale and reservoir formation under the action of deep fluid.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 80%
“…However, thermal simulation analysis shows that raising the temperature does not necessarily lead to a rapid decrease of TOC. For example, the thermal simulation experiment of Chen et al (2020) demonstrated that the TOC content only decreased by 27%, which is considerably less than the reduction due to thermal maturity. Clearly, the hydrocarbon generating intensity of the shale at a normal geothermal gradient is lower than at a thermal contact.…”
Section: Instantaneous Hydrocarbon Generation Of Source Rocks Caused ...mentioning
confidence: 98%
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